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Contract Services

Contracts: The lifeblood of business.
The Contract is the key building block of business. Our experienced legal practice advises or works on behalf of our clients to effectively create, negotiate, and enforce a vast array of agreement types: from complex procurement and licensing agreements to a simple purchase-and-sale, and everything in between.

Drafting/Contract Templating
The Mesinschi Law Offices has experience writing agreements in a wide array of highly specialized fields. We are often called upon by our clients to create their core contract templates with which to run their day-to-day operations.
A small sample of agreement types we have been called upon to create include:
Master Service Agreements
Equipment Purcahse Agreements
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Promoter / Event Licensing Agreements
Aircraft Purchase/Sale Agreements
Franchise Agreements
Automotive & Heavy Equipment Dealer Agreements
Investor/Joint-Venture Agreements
Recruitment/Talent Management Agreements
Real Estate Purchase, Sale, Rental, and Lease Agreements
SaaS / IaaS Contracts
... and more.
Negotiation and Organization Support
Whether we negotiate on your behalf or we work with your teams to achieve the desired legal and business position.
Our team is one of the few with deep experience in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Cloud contracting and organization support on behalf of both suppliers and customers.
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